This is my collaboration it has 4 short flashes that ive been working on for about 3 weeks...
Hope you will enjoy it please comment.
Hyvää työtä!
Hei äijä meilaa mulle oikeesti voitais tehä yhes ja parin muun kaa leffoi jos mailaat
meilaa!!!pilkku on piste tossa osotteessa..
Lähetin postii
It was kinda nice!
But thats no collaboration lol. A collaboration is two or more people joining up creating one or more flashes.
Oh so thats it well im only 15 and im finnish they dont teach us that kind of stuff at school :)
Pretty goood
I liked it, i had a nice style. Did you us FruityLoops for the music??
Ehh im not quite sure what the music was i just had it lying around :)
Not great
I'm sorry but I don't really like this. None of it really stood out to me, and some bits of audio sounded messed up. You have potental, maybe if you keep working at it, but I think you need to put more time into your work and make it more intresting. Sorry again that I don't like it.
Hey hey hey!
Its not youre fault if you dont like it !!!
Thank you for being so sincere :)