you need help.
Im sure you are going to hate it!
you need help.
very interesting.. very strange flash movie. The boy looks gothic. heh. Very nice work on drawings and perspectives. It's animated really well. The music sure fits this flash movie quite well too. whoa, a clown came out of the toilet and then he shitted in his face.. haha that's so funny!
... wow..
wow that was.. just wow.. that burned my eyes..
BLUE SHIT?!?!?!?`
whats with the blue comming out of his ass? good animatioins but try harder
That was awful.
You really didn't plan out your story beforehand, did you?
Random isn't funny when it looks real, and I don't find pooping on clowns stuck in toilets particularily interesting either.
Sorry, but you should try much harder to get a good vote out of me. Good luck.