not bad
well, the movie was random and a bit boring, but it was a good for a school class... especially a french class. usually its english, science of computer classes.
This movie is French. It was for a French project if you couldnt notice. The plot involves characters from the films Cyrano de Bergerac and La Reine Margot.
not bad
well, the movie was random and a bit boring, but it was a good for a school class... especially a french class. usually its english, science of computer classes.
Mon Dieu!
C'est merde, non? that was sad, to say the least. I mean, common, did the guy in the crown even read his lines before screwing up how to say them? I saw what you were going for and you feel quite short indeed. though the graphics were well made(though at times sickening) the rest was a shodey job, no doubt. And the audio was bad enough, with it's fuzzy quality and such.
Apres quelques secondes j'ai réaliser que c'etais du francais
(After 4 or 5 seconds, I realised that it was french)
france blows goat
france sucks so much. i hate the french and everything about them. unless u give me french swears. then ur not a douche bag any more. then ur just a fucker. word
Quand on sait pas parler français, on farme sa calisse de gueule d'Américain sale. Vive le 11 septembre parce que plein d'Américain sont morts. Fuck America. 88