There's a lot wrong with this video. the mouth is akward, the bow needs a string, the hand holding the bow is on the wrong side, there's no real plot, the only thing that really fit was the music.
This is a very violent toon. Its look is n00bish, I am capable of a lot better but I actually went out of my way to make it look n00bish. If it didn't look n00bish, it wouldn't have the same effect, ya know? Spent about 15 hours. Hope you like :D
There's a lot wrong with this video. the mouth is akward, the bow needs a string, the hand holding the bow is on the wrong side, there's no real plot, the only thing that really fit was the music.
True, but it was fun anyway.
boy dose this suck
yeah this prety much sucks and blows i dont know why you would even send it in its just stabing the seven dwarves ... not realy great graphix either sorry you lose drink coke play again...... cheezy
Lol...you are free not to like it, but this is just another instance of ridiculously unfair/overly harsh judjement. To begin with, my graphics deserved at least a 3 or 4...there are many worse that the 2 should be reserved for. Secondly, the chicken dance RULES so sound should be 10! :) Interactivity I can see the 0, though I at least had a play buttong...1. Style, I don't even understand why it's there. Violence is the one thing I agree with you on :) And humor...awww come on, 2? It made a lot of people around here laugh histerically!
that was 1337
man that rawks please make some more.
Lol...I think I will. I think I will. =D
that sucked
I would rather watch snow white than that crap
You know...there's a place somewhere online I heard you could download a sense of humor.
pretty funny
i liked the fact that it was funny and was really random in some parts it was a great final product. plus the music ruled.
Thanks dude :D