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Rammer - dodger

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Author Comments


i respond to EVERY review! so please review!
There are 10 levels in this game, and i realize that its somewhat easy until level 8 or 7.
There is a bug, when you die, and then click main menu and play again. if you die, please just exit out of the window and go back in. i have no idea how to fix this.
read the instructions before you play!
yes, i know there are some collision detection problems sometimes, but for the most part, its fine.
im going to add a special editon of this game to my site soon, boredom pending :P

i made this game out of utter boredom yesterday. it actually turned out quite good!

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Good game!! Could have beena little bit better but i think its good for a game made in 2005! Keep up the good work! ( ^_^ )


I miss the duck button, some spears are so fast you can't dodge them. I think you did a good job. But I miss the overall action, and try to pick up the screws and use em on your start/intro screen.

Greetz USSRstijn

Rammer responds:

all right, then.

Constructive Critisizm?

um, maybe u could give 20 seconds to try to die as fast as possible with-in the time limit? cus, its alot harder trying to die than staying alive. :P

Rammer responds:

i have 61 other reviews telling me the same thing, so that's not really constructive. this game sucks anyway. i made it 4 years ago. ;P


the graphics are shit and the animation kinda really sucks but i guess it qualifies as a game. good job.

Rammer responds:

your review is useless to me, since you offered no advice in regards to improving the game.

...but i guess it still qualifies as a review.

Not that bad

Well first time i played this there was just a yellow desert like background with no music. Then next time i play this it is same thing but a street and a city appears with music. That was weird before when it was a desert like place the scene would change every level. This was'nt that bad though.

Rammer responds:

um, yeah, there's 3 random backgrounds, each with their own music to it. there's always music. ALWAYS. ALLLLWAAYYSS.....

the way i randomized the levels in this pretty much sucked, so there's a lot of repetition.

Credits & Info

3.08 / 5.00

Jan 18, 2005
6:42 PM EST