One thing though, it's almost defenate you need real pictures, or people will just laugh at your atempted drawings of loss. I'm sorry but man I felt nothing for that. Other Wise, nice work. And i sugest Sepia tone (pale brown) as apposed to black and white, I know what message your trying to put out, but damn man, do something unique about it. This is why america never acknologes Canada as a WW2 Hero country because we don't speak up as our own country since brittan think's they legaly own us. But they dont! We're not Brits, we're Canadaians. You Brits forced us into the war and made families suffer unnessicary casualties, from Germany, to france, to italy, and it's because of You brits. We could have said "fuck you we're our own country, we don't feel like it!" But we chose to go anyway, out of our own bravery. If you made a movie of this, and what it felt to be a Canaidian fighting by "Defalt", on Brittan's whim, you'd be getting 5's from every freakin' Canadian ever.