It was animated alright, and the style was kind of cool, but I didn't find it very interesting. They walked very slow, and that's pretty much all they did. I like some of the audio, the first song was good.
Well, you did an alright job.
4 most worst hitmans in the world...
1 target...
What will happen?
Do not watch the movie if you dont like animations where the arms arent connected to the body. The movie is 50-50 finnish so dont complain about that.
Ja se suomalainen nimi on sitten vitsi...
It was animated alright, and the style was kind of cool, but I didn't find it very interesting. They walked very slow, and that's pretty much all they did. I like some of the audio, the first song was good.
Well, you did an alright job.
good ut not great
i liked some parts but one thing i didnt get was when the cloe ange killer pickd up the plate then put he's gun on it the gun disappered, or wybe the plate as curved i don't know. good overall.
No joo.
Hauskasti olit yhdistellyt suomea ja englantia.
Vähän ihmetystä näille jenkeille.
Ihan hyvähän tuo oli. Olisi se toki hiukan parempikin voinut olla.
Musiikki katkeili ilävästi.
Voi Helvetti mikä animaatio!
Suomeksi: Mikä hemmetti tossa se tarkotus oli?
No hauska ainaski oli! "Vitun.Iso.Pommi" xD
Ei vois paremmaksi mennä... Ehkä....
In English: What the heck was the purpose of that anim?
Well It was at least funny! "Fucking.Big.Bomb" xD
It couldn´t get better.... Maybe...
no ihan hyvä,mutta olisit vaikka rynnäkkö-kivääri expertin tilalle laittanu jonkun puukko tyypin.niin olis tullu vähä parempi. ----------------------Same in English------------------------------ Well.... well pretty good,but you should have added a knife guy instead of assault-rifle expert,and it would have been better.