I've always like these snake spinoff type games
Move your little character around with the arrow keys and avoid the red killers. Collect the coins to increase your score.
Note: Each coin you collect, another killer will be added
Note, note: This source was found at flashkit.com and I tweaked it a tad. it was free to be used so i didnt steal it!
Anyways have fun,
Captain Awesome
I've always like these snake spinoff type games
Here,have a three :) not bad,one of your first games?
Very cool and hard too when you get up around 60 lol
ok not great
nice for approx. 15 secs
Might wanna make it a little larger and more entertaining next time...and whats with the poem........was this guy so bored that he thought im gonna be cute and right a poem..whatever anyways ill bet you can do better.