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The S Federation I

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Author Comments

This is the first game that I ever made. I don't know a lot of action script, so I've just done what I could.
(Now with corrected spelling!!)

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not bad for your first game

pretty good job for not knowing any actionscript. I think u can see the many flaws in the game but I think it is a great start from some quality work in the future. Keep it up!

Not good...

The gameplay was too simple, its too easy of a game, there's no action to it, it doesn't look well made, and your spelling is awful (i.e. Fediration = Federation, Dealdy = Deadly). Needs lots of work.


You are obviously not a nerd, because a nerd would have actually made a decent game. There is way too much dialogue and not enough fighting, and i found out that i can't take any damage. What's the point if i'm invincible and i have infinite ammo? And i have no problems with nerds, try to create an actual enemy too. This game had potential, it just needs fixing

this is good but

this is a good game but.....u can make a better one.



umm... NO, no and maybe... NOOOOOO

reason: first person shooter = crap, especially when you can't even draw. boxes do not look good anywhere, unless they're meant to be a box that you put shit in. stick people have been severely overdone.

fuck you, use more creativity. drop some acid if you have to, smoke some pot, just get more creative ideas, and i won't vote 0 next time.

Credits & Info

3.06 / 5.00

Jan 4, 2005
10:42 AM EST