if you make a tut lern to spell!
loooooser lern to spell
Ok, my first tutorial (not flash). I notice with a lot of people, that they have little fualts in tere movie (that are explained in this) which really ruin it. Its not fancy, more about common mistakes. I have no idea if this will help anyone with out the same macromedia flash as me, but hey.
if you make a tut lern to spell!
loooooser lern to spell
great tutorial
nice tutorial..i found it interesting as im starting to make flash movies myself. very helpful
((( DECENT )))
Nice job, i like this for the color use and design and placement of all the text it stood out and made me interested, could use some sort of music unless my speakers were screwed up, anyways nice tut...
There are too many tutorials like this.
Newgrounds even has there only tutorials inhouse.
THis was rather good, but it seemed abit rushed. not much info and really stuff that is easy to learn by yourself but still and ok tutorial.