dude its not scary its funny but it was good
UPDATE: There is now an intense, extra, neverending fight scene between our hero Peter Pan and the fierce pirate lord Captain Hook added!
I think you'll all agree that I really have a unique feel for battle choreography!
Children that are afraid of watching their new Peter Pan movie. They just let it lay on the floor by the TV and the VCR. Terrified mainly by the main character of the movie
dude its not scary its funny but it was good
Holy shit i wont sleep tonight
man that peter pan dude scares the fuck outta me. Great movie though!
that was suppose to be scary?
Please tell me that wasnt suppose to be scary.. honestly.. by the way.. was that a celebz face behind captain hook?
I think its pretty scary. That Peter Pan guy is disturbing as hell!
Dont remember about Hooks face. Did this one some time ago.
((( ODD )))
Well it was scary but more odd then anythingelse, i gave it a strange style points haha, the elf was freaky haha, almost looked like Tom fulp haha, anyways nice strange flash you have here...
neverland is scary
this is a preety weird flash u pretty muchly just got a photo album of hallowen pictures and then just posted them in a movie u nee a better plot and better graphics to
Yup yup, ure right. But I still like the flash!
Thanx for the review =) .