ya but how do you add them to your flash
This is a rather complete tutorial on how to make a preloader. It even explain how ActionScript works! So now, you'll be able to make your own preloader instead of stealing it from other people! \o/ lol j/k o_<
Don't forget to leave reviews!
ya but how do you add them to your flash
Nice, but needs a bit work
If you add a "Previous" button and make the codes copy-pasteble, it could be even better. Overall nice work!
It was... eeeeeh...
This one is for total newbs, y'all... Pretty informative but slow.
Could you somehow add a "skip animation" to the demonstrations for those who have already seen those animations? Otherwise, this is a really good thing and nothing needs to be changed. Tank-ooh.. ^-^"
Play button
how the hell do you get the play button to play the goddamn movie????
Lol, awesome.
That was good, it's gonna help me out a lot. A back button would be naiz, too.
Oh yeah, Purplemuffin, it doesn't work 'cause you have to post it on tha Intarwebz to see it working.