XD Nice. Never seen something so...stupid but totally awesome at the same time.
Inspired by some dick on the BBS.
Turned into a flash thing for your enjoyment.
Hm, it would appear that Ryan155169 has changed his username to 'WeedClock'. Heh. wigger.
XD Nice. Never seen something so...stupid but totally awesome at the same time.
that was funny i hate people like that
If only you were ScottFemale...
...because I would definatley have sex with you. You fulfilled my "laffo" quota for the next couple of days.
P.S. You rule my family.
Hi Scottmale
I want children.
Yeah, with you.
Pretty good.
Classic. Death to WeedClock for making Canadians look stupid!
Well it wasn't much of a flash, but the comics were pretty funny.