How in hell that MP5 submachinegun had pump-action and muzzle came out of its flashlight? 0_0
Never happened =)
How in hell that MP5 submachinegun had pump-action and muzzle came out of its flashlight? 0_0
Carrot_Muffin here, long time no flash...see..errrr, yah-
Very good teaser here, kinda short though but nice graphics, i love your stlye zeddybee; cant wait to see more!/the whole thing
hm, mayye if i e-mail tom we can get a muffin section?
Lets hope later man :)
mini-muffin here
nice job man. the original was great and it looks like youve improved your skills since then. best of luck with the full length and you have my 5 on both entries :)
I miss the Muffin Clan :( :( :(
I am BioHazardMuffin btw. But great movie, im looking forward to the full movie! Good job!
Dude, whats with all the clock stuff?
We dont need more clocks!!!!!!!