Holy crap it's back on the front page!?! Well for those of you who are enjoying this, Frankenroc of Megaman Polarty are teamign up to make a kick ass Shotgun Santa 2 for this year, should be out in a week or two. Enjoy!
Sorry, day late, I was sick yesterday. Heres a little Kaos Productions Christmas Treat. Hope you all enjoy!
Custom Santa made by me,
Some help (with snow) by Ginogino13
Shotgun Santa!
Seriously what the hell was up with that ending? Gemini man cant slash shit he copys himself! Why so violent. It.... just why why why why?
u shhould make a game of this
same thing happind 2 me
i didnt envit my friend 2 my chistmast parrty cuz i thot he waz juish :( ... he stabed me with a pillow....
wow where to begin...
it was too short, the santa weilded the gun in a very GAY way, the end message was pretty lame. Might want to think things through before doing a rush job.