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Another skating movie...

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Man, this thing really took me a long time to get here. Took ages, but its finally complete. Leave reviews, I will read them!!

I changed the music after many people complained. I hope its improved. Thanks for the reviews. Enjoy.

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This isn't animation

This is traced; don't reply saying 'I know' or some shit. Either way, it isn't animation. Therefore a big '0'.

not bad one

it was an alright skating animation. a little bit random overall... mainly because i've seen a lot of those moves in a lot of other skate animations before, but i did like the sketches in this one, they were quite good... made it fun to watch.

pretty cool

nifty little movie, bit iffy though lol, should of used some 3d or somethin lol, but besides that it was good. I was waiting for at leas tone person to biff though lol XD



at the start it was crap oh did you see my movie mr box rock

RedSquall responds:

nah, dont remember that movie, im guessing that it got blammed. too bad. u can always work hard and ull get a movie into ngs


I physically hate this kind of movie. I love skating games but I hate it when people immitate stick figures and beyond. I am not particually getting at the author of this, just these types of animations in general. Wow, I dont know how anyone could love sticks going around the screen and listening to a crapload song. Ok, so you could be a good skater, but skate then, dont do this type of animation!!!!! I hope I never see anything like this again. How did this get past judgement? It wasnt even good, all it was were a bunch of lines going around the screen. You obviously can skate so put those skills into a skateboard and real life rather than some stick figure with backgrounds that dont look any good!!! Do some proper animations rather than this crap!


p.s. Read your review for FF:The New Empire part six and compare it to this, I think your going to like it. ;).

RedSquall responds:

lol, apreciate it man. im doing loadsa skateing. i wont make this shit again i promise. it sucks i agree. i remember reading response to my review. well played!!!

Credits & Info

2.73 / 5.00

Dec 24, 2004
7:32 PM EST