Not Bad...
That was good, the voice at the end got u the humor haha, and uh, yeah. keep em comin!
This took about 2 weeks for me to make. I had fun doing it. And..uh...yeah. Enjoy watching it! Note: This was a School project. We had to select and Issue and do a "Take Action Plan" on it. So, take that into mind.
Not Bad...
That was good, the voice at the end got u the humor haha, and uh, yeah. keep em comin!
It dragged a bit too long
A little repeatative other than that, nice job
It dragged a bit too long.
A little repeatative and got quite annoying at times...other than that, nice job on animation. Oh, and I believe your frame rate was a bit too high, you might have used more frames than needed...
not bad animation. i didn't find this one to be very violent though. i did like the graphics and drawings in this movie though.
blatant audio ripoff.
how do you call the whistle on something after it is no longer under review. the banana phone song is from another popular flash, i wanted to stab myself in the eye upon hearing the stolen star wars music, and then they compound my contempt for them by perpetuating the audio problem with terrible "over the phone" dialogue. i mean it musta gotten you a good mark, and you obviously put a fair amount of effort into it, but please dont submit this stuff to newgrounds. you're but a link or website mentioning away from getting sued for putting this out for public view.
Wow. are you stupid? I put the credits in the back you fool. So shut up and watch the whole damn thing first.