i liked it...
should be on constant loop in a gallery, or a store or something.
plz write reviews!
(ps. the movie loops)
i liked it...
should be on constant loop in a gallery, or a store or something.
thx for the review!
ik like the looping myself too, lol
nice and artsy
whoa dude artsy very surreal.
great drawing idea and display.
nice job.
although your car could have been redone.
nice that you liked my work
thx for the review.
what the hell?
couldnt you tell me some more when reviewing... all i see is what the hell and more people say that.. so it means shit to be honest..
watch my other movie's youll understand
Hell was that? Why?
just becuz
:O !
omg it keeps playing over and over, can't stop watching it !!!
i hate midgets too