but more blood so put it nine wait bad quality so eight sorry and freddy's claw would not make that much blood darts (on reindeer look on his stomace to many blood darts or blood dabs whatever they are blood darts so its a seven
Santa has finnaly flipped. This is a music video about the song Night Santa Went Crazy by Weird Al. I love reviews
but more blood so put it nine wait bad quality so eight sorry and freddy's claw would not make that much blood darts (on reindeer look on his stomace to many blood darts or blood dabs whatever they are blood darts so its a seven
It's good...
but I think you should have used the gorey version of the song, where Santa gets one in the head.
Eh Its Well.....
I loved the song but grafics sucked, srry but it's true. other then that, it alright NOT good but alright.
Heh heh...
I love the song in the flash, but the animation quality was fairly low. But it was still really good.
that was great
I liked it a was very funny,and to superslayer:a luger is a pistol you IDIOT!