what the hell is wrong with those reviews? have you been watching a different movie??
Goku vs Mario/Luigi
guest role by Link and Epona..
This Is Really Pointless Take Out The Vs Cause There Is No Fighting Involed Dude You Should Take Another Look At This Piece Of Fart
Not feeling it
Sorry buddy, it's not all that great. :[
This was a pretty pointless flash, i mean wat is the point of goku flyin in the sky then mario and luigi duck i mean wtf and then link comes on and plays epona's song,the only good thing i can say about this,is at least u got epona song to sync as link walked on.
God that was so gay. Goku's just flying arounda? Poorly done too.. no loaders... loop music is ANNOYING..
and don't be all like "zomg you have no flash" because I animate with paint and movie maker because i dont' know how to do flash..