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When the Wind Blows

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Ho ho ho, merry.... Hold on, I know this...

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y wont it work?

it wont work 4 me but i guess its ok


I know this is a small file sized flash, but the play button appeared while the flash was loading for me (as I have dial-up).

I followed your instructions, watching your flash and watching the basic animation techiques you used. There is one point where the 'block' scrape sound abrubtly ends. There is also another point in the flash where the cloud appears 'incomplete' at the bottom right end.

I watched the entire flash as that is what I do when I write reviews. I was a bit dissapointed as I expect better things from you but I guess it does have a point as well. I'm suprised it passed through the portal, but then again, I guess people vote through anything assuming they don't watch it all.

Hope your future works are less like this.

Boojamon responds:


Nice of you to be honest!

Perhaps the joke escaped you, or wasn't there to begin with. ( /'~'\ )

Anyway. Brilliant advice, and I thank you for it. ( ^_^ )


its damstraightxxx, about ur review

.... i just made this account to review responses from authers thats all

1. ok in order to make movies u need a special chip which sad to say my crappy ass computer doesnt have one

2. i cant join the army im 15

and finally

3. im just pychotic with violence.... and humping dead bodys.... and killing.... and............. will lets just say i like violence

Boojamon responds:

That's just great.

your right people will watch any thing

that was very good not very creative or anything but very very funny at the end

u should make a christmas flash where it has santa landing on a roof thats just barely beeping red but not enough to see it.
when he goes down the chimney wait a second then have the rainder go boom.
then it terns to the room... its all dark but u can barely see but thiers just enough light to let the people see but not much than when santa gets out of the chimney he gets shot.
the lights turn on a kid comes out with a shot gun and the kid sias "finaly i got that fucking bergular.... oh wait it aint the bergular." kid pokes the santa "its SANTA CLAUS" kid shoots him again "basterd all u did is give me coal all my life" then a thought bubble appears and it shows the kid doing a mass muder or some thing with lots of guns. i dont know just go crazy with it just make sure he kills a lot of people and goes real fast just try it

Boojamon responds:

Stop living your dreams through other people and go make it yourself. To many people have started their reviews with=

"You know what would be a good idea?"


"You know what you should do?"

The reason why I became an animator was so I could stop being one of those people. Try it. It's liberating.

And btw- If you wanna see violence become a soldier not a critic.

Simple and fun...er funny

Ok, this is strange... I usually have 10 second attenion span for most flashes...

Boojamon responds:

so.............you like it......I think

Credits & Info

3.16 / 5.00

Dec 17, 2004
7:26 PM EST