She has purple hair!? Never saw it in my whole life!@#$%^&*()<>?:"{}_+|
woot i killed this flash
She has purple hair!? Never saw it in my whole life!@#$%^&*()<>?:"{}_+|
jojo no sabia que hablabas español
todas tus cosas son muy grosas
¿Tan apenado estas de esta pobre animación? jajaja estuviste orgullosa de ella en algún momento y ahora le volteas la espalda. No, no, no, no :P
Like HiddenLink Stated,That WAS the flash...Lol.yay the first chain sword and claw glove (early versions!)
real funny xionic demon. in case you guys don't know, this flash is a joke, a neverending picture of a person apearing and disapearing. that is why he said he killed it. by the way, it also has the early versions of the chain sword and claw glove from xm if you want to see them. they are being held by the person.