Good interactive elements
I made this game real quick since my sister in law who is in 4th grade was learnign the states in school. I thought it would be neat to make a quiz game of the states.
Good interactive elements
More Of a game than quiz
Its a good game I them all right except for MassachusetTs cause I missed the second "T".I'm not even from the U.S.A. but I know more states than most Americans
Good game
Got everyone right except Minnesota. I got a type and spelled "Minnasota". Ah well.
I'm from the USA, and I'm glad I know my states. :D
it was pretty cool. i aced this spelling quiz quite easily, and im a Canadian too.
great idea.
it's good to see a flash that actually has purpose. the only thing that bugged me when that i had to click my mouse on the field before every answer. a little inconvenient when trying to get a high score, but great game nonetheless.