arcade illusion.
Wow this really was like a step back in time!
Like many others probably did, I felt this flash was almost a time machine. The pixelated graphics really had an 'arcade' or Mega-drive feel to it and the style was a pure classic and it really suited the theme and feel of your work.
The only thing I would complain about is the lack of interactivity. Fair enough it is a movie but when the screen says 'Insert coin here' I was lead into the false game illusion and actually spent 5 minutes trying to find out how to start the game. When the arcade feel is that realistic you know you're doing something right, the 'demo' scenes of the game was just like you see before you insert a coin in the arcade machines .But while this was fun to watch not a lot really happened so it lasted about 2 minutes, and you sort of wonder after a while what the point in this is since it is just demo screens, no storyline just screens as if someone else were playing the game.
Other than that though a good little idea but I think if you made this into a game it would go a long way. I really want to play that game! =D
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