This is a wicked tutorial!
This is a coloring tutorial in flash, it covers some of my techniques and I know some of you are interested in how it's done. These tutorials will help.
This is a wicked tutorial!
good but not that good
this tutorial was ook but i didnt realy find it that useful as i would probably never make one of these games, but i was ever going to this would be the first place i come to
Well, if it helps people, then I am happy.
I don't normally write reviews...
But this is a very good tutorial and deserves to have a review much more recent then January, awsome work and very in deph, a couple more examples and other drawings would be nice but all in all its very well put together (4/5)
Thanks Swat, I should strive to do more.
once again...
A very good flash. I really appreciate it. BTW: The 13 in "firegirl13" is my lucky number not my age. Just clearing that part up. :) I hope to see more work like this from you. Peace!
13 is a lucky number :D I have 2 days off and can't wait to work on my flash :D
Exciting fun stuff... thanks again for the review :D
good for people who want to do flashes
this is a great flash...oh and by the way, im anus of fury, and the other crappy reviews of your other flashes and a few before were my brothers reviews. I like your flashes. Pretty much every "ass reference" review is from my brother doing reviews on my account because he is a moron and doesnt know the idea of reading to make sure it is his account. Anyway, I turned auto-logon off and changed my name in discrace. I was sad that you made fun of my name, "anus of fury" though :( im not gay and cannot shove a watermelon up there :(
Your brother soiled your name! That bastard. Well, then you shouldn't feel bad that I ripped on the name because it was your brother that I ripped on, nothing personal.
It was an easy name to rip on. Enjoy the new year!