if it wasnt for japan,you wouldnt have any of those ps1,2,3 or psp or nintendo
Many centuries in the future, humankind builds a dome to keep out all the pollution they produce. The pollution is getting so concentrated it is eating away at the dome, then Japan decides to get revenge.
if it wasnt for japan,you wouldnt have any of those ps1,2,3 or psp or nintendo
super racist
this is incredibly racist.
you're saying that japanese people easily get upset.
when they dont.
i know it was good but for christ sake don't make fun of asians
did the voices yell too much before this was made?
da voices were funny as hell, dude, especially when the reporter went OH MY GOD.
((( SOUND ? )))
Well this has good art for starting out on flash, but you may want to work on your sound somewhat, it seemed very low sounding and loud in other areas, and mostly just low, i like all the different scenes and it has some ok effects, just more work on the art and characters aswell as better audio volume...