This rocks, dude!
This is realy awesome!
I saw a documentary on Papua New Guinea and was inspired to make this movie. Yes, Papuans do tend to say "Duway" a lot but I do exaggerate a bit. Do not take this movie seriously. It is not intended to be racist in any way. Although I know there will be a few people who write that my movie is "dog shit" and I'm a "racist bastard." So, if you're not one of those people, enjoy!
This rocks, dude!
This is realy awesome!
dude this is some funny shit
Wow, laghed my ass of the entire time! Love the voice over's sounded authentic some how. Make a Papuans olyimpics movie, that will be uncontrolable.
That was funny.. hahahha. I liked it..
I'm speechless lol.. that made me laugh so hard lol. I can't breathe.. aehaehalkjfa;sdkfjas *phew*
Thank you. Papuans have the coolest culture. It is yay! They don't have to worry about anything but being killed by their enemies. Silly Papuans.
That just wasn't funny.
Yeah? Hmm....... well. I suppose we all have our different tastes. I'm glad you reviewed my movie without making yourself look like a moron like that MasterDeath guy. He sucks.