Sonic the Hedgehog stumbles upon a hidden doorway to the Mushroom Kingdom. Upon entry, he is unwelcomed by everyone's favorite plummer...
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what the fuck
ok sonic beats up mario do u want a fuckin metal
is there any thing funny? Sonic beats up mario so why not pick your winner and put some blood in it :P
Ok, first of all, get rid of the ****ing satan sign, I dont care if you're a satinist or something, but get rid of it somehow. Second, WTF, how do sonic and mario magicly now each other, and sonic going throgh a ring to go to marios world, even though its an animation it needs to make a little bit of sence. Third, where's the plot, sonic gets big, sonic kills mario, thats basicly the hole movie right there. Fourth, I think about half the moive was dialoge, even though dialoge is important in a movie, too much can be boring.