lol amusing
amusing is what i would say, the gernade one was entertaining, as were the rest, it gave me chuckle, the animations could use abit of more detail and such but other then that i found this flash anusing.
lol funny
<3 | When I am surrounded by the love of fans and friends, the flame of my candle continues to burn | <3
lol amusing
amusing is what i would say, the gernade one was entertaining, as were the rest, it gave me chuckle, the animations could use abit of more detail and such but other then that i found this flash anusing.
lol funny
not right
the sould something differct then "for all" u see a dick in "poly" u scumbags
i love your animation and linken park AWSOME JOB!!!!
nice job
very good flash vote 5 and ten
l0p pwnage
Oh great, more idiots...
Your guns were drawn nicely, but animated horribly. The rest was the purest of shit. And why does every moron who preforms so far below their potential always have multiple accounts? So they can vote 5 for themselves multiple times? I swear if not for this "oh look at me i'm an idiot supporting other idiots" bandwagon, you people would be so blammed. Get your head about your ass and make something you can really be proud of, because I can tell you can.
But Livecoprse v0ted 6