okay, is this an allusion to marijuana??
This is to be one of twenty-six total cartoons from twenty-six animators on my site. I need contributors. If you think you would like to be part of this, then please go to www.damnspiffy.com/alphajam , read the guidelines and get to it! Hope to hear from you soon!
Something I just noticed:
"B is for..." origin date: June 8, 2001
"B is also for" origin date: July 16, 2001
StrawberryClock's infamous "B" Flash origin date: August 15, 2001
Did the Clock Crew get their "B" obsession from me? You decide.
okay, is this an allusion to marijuana??
yet kinda funny
It was awesome and hillarious how he drank all the smoke and then said W XD XD XD
Would you make more? this kind of cartoon are awesome!
But a tad sophomoric.
Muted Tempest
The way you said the word and the way the word, like, morphed into a multi-facet of colors was, like, far out man. I...whoa...my head hurts...let me take some of this joint and...ppppffff...aah...that's better...nothing like a joint to come off a crack...whoa...mmmm...cookies. ..