Mildly Enjoyable
The music had redeemed this flash to an extent, but the story wasn't very substancial and had no point (it wasn't really even about a day in the life of a can). The graphics were pretty good and clean.
By Intenso Productions
Published By Moogle Inc.
Mildly Enjoyable
The music had redeemed this flash to an extent, but the story wasn't very substancial and had no point (it wasn't really even about a day in the life of a can). The graphics were pretty good and clean.
Not bad
I wonder if you actually animated this one, however. Its not credited to Moogle Inc. and anyone who views your Final Fantasy/All Your Base video will definately notice some striking differences in quality. I rate the video, not the account holder.
Most reviews are about the video are they not? Your right, I worked with a friend on this animation, and he's a little more experienced than I. But because it was submitted before he became an NG member, his name hasnt came up anywhere aside from in the movie itself. Im going to see if I can change that now actually.
Wicked man!!!!!!!!!
Wow, thats 1 wicked animation, i love the music n the flying V solo too its cool, especially when it goes nuts n smashes it up, nice amp drawing keep doing more my friend.
That was really cool
Great Idea, Great song and you have a good bit of talent, im off to watch your other stuff if you have any. 3/5 but I clicked 5/5 by accident haha
thanks, its the first submission ive submitted thats stood the test of time, and its time thatll tell whether i make or break my flash future
((( OK )))
Well notbad, i like the idea, and it was sorta funny, just needs some work and more time, since its your first its good, nice idea though keep it up...