Next time, I advise dumping out the coke. x3
Or putting it on.... owait. it IS on the net already, isn't it? ^^;
I made this for another tournament and thought since many of you enjoyed my last tournament entry (Smith's Surprise) you'd enjoy this. It's the first movie I've made using a graphics tablet. Enjoy!
Next time, I advise dumping out the coke. x3
Or putting it on.... owait. it IS on the net already, isn't it? ^^;
that coke deserved it i think O_O
Poor coke...
Why did you have to shoot the poor little coke? :(
Oh well, who cares!? XD
And by the way, muchman727272, Wonchop is not a FURRY.
max your a furriey
lol tht reminds me of the old bugs bunny cartoons :P