"Oh that's it no one messes with my new stolen vehicle!"
WARNING: this is a movie!! And i cant spell! Part 3 will be game all theway.
This episode will explain (with words like “omfg” and spellig errors) whats up with everything.
im so sorry for the sudden ending, please dont review about it:P.... im working on part 3 now, there might be a number 4 also. Cause this is big..enjoy :D (set to medium for best fps.)
"Oh that's it no one messes with my new stolen vehicle!"
also nice
A movie? The first part was intractable!
pie is ASHOM
how the f**** did you make this its ashom
please tell me what you used!
for 5 years of my life I've wanted to make a video game but no softwere is that good
so much for being a "movie only" cant wait for part 3 xD