Why i nthe name of shit, haven't I seen this before? Haha, this is cool as fuck.
Meh.. something i made at 1am. it was funny at the time. O_O
Why i nthe name of shit, haven't I seen this before? Haha, this is cool as fuck.
u know.. when i reviw that Cs short.. i was only spamming LOL! ^_^
Feel Free to pm on p-f
LMAO great man...
i saw ur cs thing to...ur hella good...u should start making longer ones.
don't worry. plenty of much better things from me on the way.
omg i love you
That was a bit random...
That was a bit random, but thats the way ideas usually are at 1am. It was really good for something made in only 15 minutes. I would be interested in seeing something that you put more time and effort into...