needs more
This was so so but can be better its more of a demo then anything else its simple but if you add some more effort and much more content.
Needs more effort
My first time on, and let me say im glad im brining my work where lots of people can see it, this is a simple promo of the video that I think will revolutionize, better than scrotum, and you wills ee for yourself when it comes out.
needs more
This was so so but can be better its more of a demo then anything else its simple but if you add some more effort and much more content.
Needs more effort
the way the sound never fitted into the movie was poor and what it ment to be.
No redeeming quality, it's jus swish 2, and a bad picture at the end. The music isn't even looped porperly. I would mark it higher, but there was no effort.
So this "Gekoman" is he some kind of superhero or something, and uhh also july is over. But i liked the sound and the style, the only thing i didnt like about the style is how the words kept on reapeting themselves. but overall good Promo.(wouldn't watch it again)
Good. But not in a sense that we're all older than four year olds. Im guessing you made that on swish - not flash and that you were trying out all the effects to a tantalizing crap effect.