try again later
This is something I made in one night (didn't sleep)... It’s a battle with music. It was something for a school project a while ago... The drawings aren't so great, but I improved a few things in this version for NG (things that looked REALLY bad) so I didn't get all of the bad stuff...
It is the sequel to Bounty Hunter: Christmas. You don't need to see the first one to understand this, but if you enjoy this one you should go see the other (just search for it or whatever). This movie is based on how I think the world will end, but the character and the battle I made up completely. The story you get from the other movie was that he is some bounty hunter, with an army (don't ask me why), and he has a base in the Yukon, that’s about it, so this is a completely unique story. And just because he fights the Chinese doesn't mean I have anything against China. It makes sense that he fights China, because China has so many people, and if they survived an apocalypse could easily take over the world with their numbers. So if you have any suggestions tell me them, I couldn't improve my drawings and whatnot on this one though, because I had already made it when I submitted the other one, so any suggestions are appreciated for a new one, not really relative to these two movies.
If you took the time to read this, I guess you have time, so if you want, watch the credits all the way through, it might be worth your while, or not... And at the end click on the thing saying this is the end k?
try again later
People are getting used to all these crappy drawings, bit i grew up on good stuff, this is just crap. Sorry if im harsh.
You are a prophet! Just one problem, in the end China wins, and the USA gets nuked to hell. It isn't anymore a matter of 'if' we will get nuked, but 'when' we will be nuked. The music was perfect, and the 2D drawing was very good - a great effort. You could improve upon drawing a more 3D style, but that takes a lot of practice. It is unrealistic to have us believe that the Bounty Hunter survived a mid-air nuclear explosion, but it is fun dreaming!
Not bad
It was good man I liked it dude.....peace
here's something..
here's a suggestion... try not to use the sound fx that flash provides because too many people use them and it makes your movie a little less original right off the bat. hmm anyway, the flash is decent looking... very nice work on making this. It was a very long movie of a battle going on at earth. The music is good.