Not Bad.
In fact I liked it. Oh also I was the one who you challanged to do a better job on the graphics of your "Wheelchair Man" flash. Keep watching me because soon enough I'll be done. Till' then, buh bye.
in yr9 media studies we were required to make a character in flash and animate a short film about it, mine was the best lol, well this is it. No real point but it was good experience for the animation etc. wow look at the file size! so small. btw. i am really unhappy with the copper because it is such bad animation there, but on the upside the lip syncing on the man was great i thought. (first try) .
Not Bad.
In fact I liked it. Oh also I was the one who you challanged to do a better job on the graphics of your "Wheelchair Man" flash. Keep watching me because soon enough I'll be done. Till' then, buh bye.
Great animation
Didn't get the stroyline... even though there wasn't any, the graphics and lipsinc were great. But umm... the... drugs... the... wtf... the... same kinda dead guy on the ground in next to every scene... the... wtf... (random mubling) I'ld say about a 3/5.
>> Kritz
that was sooooooooo awsome. great animation. 5/5.
glad you liked it
((( NICE ART )))
This was cool, the art design on the characters were the best lots of talent there, the synk could be better with the audio and lips, the jokes kind of funny but could be better, nice flash, keep it up...
thanks for the helpful crit
Was that a sweathog?
pardon me?