Well i found this one to be on the stranger side it could be longer and some improved graphics and detail would really make this go a long way but overall this was a nice yet short film anyways keep at it i want to see more
Link is finally in the dodongo's cave... But what's this? What a funny lookin' flower...
Thanks for giving me your opinions about this reallyreallyreally short movie :D I'm going to make another movie now (the same style, with color, with more soundfx, with different music, more effort, and longer:D) Just wait a few days!
--olly the magic bum--
Well i found this one to be on the stranger side it could be longer and some improved graphics and detail would really make this go a long way but overall this was a nice yet short film anyways keep at it i want to see more
Improve the graphics so just do it in colour
great idea thou.
Interestng animation style,it was original,lol,i didnt really understand what happened though,but it looked cool,keep up the good work!
nice movie
Yes R3dF0x, somehow or other we came on to that assumption. . . . . .
What? Oh ya gut movie, olaf! Ich sah nicht den zu kommen! :I didn't see that coming: Tun Sie mehr Link Parodien. :Do more Link parodies:
Graphics: For some reason, I liked them. 4/5
Violence: Link touch BombFlower go boom. 3/5
Sexual Content: None 0/5
Humor: A lot, thank you. 5/5
And The Verdict Is: Warum ja ich Deutsches spreche. :Why yes I do speak German: But anyway, nice movie, do more, because you get my 5/5!