Cool stuff. And man were Newgrounds reviewers from 20 years ago harsh.
Hello again :D! Yep... the ninja is still unemployed. It took me a while to come up with new ways for him to earn cash, and I spent some hours drawing and animating... But it's finished now! Watch and enjoy!
Cool stuff. And man were Newgrounds reviewers from 20 years ago harsh.
That Was Funny
It was cool and funny and a sense. Don't worry u can steal other copy other stuff. That's what a lot of flash artists do in newgrounds.
hey freak!
I didnt like how the first unemployd ninjas was stolen from MAD.
Youre from norway så jag snackar svenska nu.
du komm inte på den första damn it!
Du har snott iden och gubbarna från MAD.
ERKÄNN. PÅ engelska!
svara på den här rewievn annars!
well, umm... yeah.. got me there, e he he.. BUT UH-OH! LEGENDARY FROG GOT HIS CHARACTERS FROM LOTR!
Dude. You can so do better.
It still ruled, but please try harder.
that was great, make more, maybe do a stupid muffled voice-over for his voice, that'd make it perfect! keep this up!