Oh man
The animation was so crapy that made me nervous
this was thrown together in minutes and was something i had laying around so may not be all that great.
Oh man
The animation was so crapy that made me nervous
well the drawing was kinda ok. butt he flash itself was boring. keep at it.
one thing to say
Written... you fucking moron.... WRITTEN! Spell check or something before you hand in a mother fucking animation. WRITTEN.... HOW do you get that wrong!
If only I could score: ability to confuse.
Because I didn't get it. I mean sure the monkey had gloves and was sitting in a cubicle working at the IRS I understood that part, made total sense. But come on, where was the tie, if your going to have monkeys you might as well put them in suits and give them a full bio and life story like I know I like to do to mr. cump-fumble-dee-wo. What? oh well 3 FO U! please work on sound effects, they were a bit off.
well it was casual friday and he didnt have to wear all that stuff and i barely have to go into detail about jason the chimp just yet
there is a back log on him but im hold out for a few more toons
the monkey made all the difference!
If you add monkeys to all of your cartoons they won't suck! People like monkeys! I like monkeys! Who the hell doesn't like monkeys? Monkeys love to eat waffles!
well dude you would love my web site if you like monkeys so much goto monkeysystem.com