If only you had known the details of what was to come, you could have just had a stock chart showing a red arrow going down and down instead of blowing up Earth, historically that would have resonated a lot more, you would have gotten your point across and been accurate as well. And as a guess, it wouldn't have been a longshot either, and your supposing "the world will end up nuking each other" just wasn't a realistic expectation by comparison, Bush wasted our resources invading 3rd world countries, not attacking nuclear powers. But it was still pretty funny.
It was a darkkkkk and storrrrmmmyy November...... Bush got re-elected! BOOGA BOOGA BOOGA! There's a scary Halloween story for you. I stole that joke from Martin Lawrence in 1992. Sad it came to pass years later after all with a different Bush. And yet now the world has made an about face and it has become increasingly obvious that liberals can be off their rockers too. I don't even know which is the lesser of two evils between Hillary and Trump, it's obvious Hillary will win, as obvious as it was that Kerry would lose, but I kind of wish Trump would win just because it would be more interesting to see what he does and Hillary is off her rocker in that new way. I suppose someone might be reading these words in 4 years or longer too. So take a look at the date. "How did he know Hillary would win", you can say. Well I'm sneaky that way.