hey in the beginning you can see a poster of HALLOWEEN twenty years later movie
in the background.
An exciting conclusion to an exciting series! I know it's a big file, but get over it. Thanks to everyone who supported the cartoon...
An explanation about the crappy sound:
Two bugs in Flash really teamed up to kick my ass. The first was the "override sound settings" (or whatever it's called) in the Publish Settings. Flash acts as if the box is always activated, even if it really isn't. The second problem was if there were any MP3 or Speech sounds needing compression. Any sounds falling under those settings (MP3/Speech) would not be synchronized at all. So, because of those two problems, the best settings I could choose was universal ADPCM. Yeah, I know it sucks, but that's life.
hey in the beginning you can see a poster of HALLOWEEN twenty years later movie
in the background.
Jason Vs. Michael
You should make a Jason Vs. Michael flash that would be cool to see! You can sill make it funny if you want it doesn't matter.
Me and my friends are making a Jason Vs. Michael fan made movie it's called "JVM" we're still working on the script and we only have five cast members so far but we got website of it, it's on my profile, so if you want to check it out. You can. We also take suggestions for our movie's ending so if you want Jason or Michael to win send me a message, thank you.
BEST THING EVER NO DOUBT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny but hate it
Ok, first of all it was funny, and I hate it, because Halloween is a kick-ass movie so don't diss John, Debra, Jamie and Michael Myers and second you're right about HalloweeN III, it sucked. Overall good set of movies, DON'T DO IT AGAIN.
Thanks... I think...
Again: Parody = Tribute
thanx alot, i'm gonna have nightmares now. that was so fucking freaky. thats why I LOVED IT! but freaky. its gonna be a looong night... Oh! and heaps cool music for the ending credits all way through.