It had everything no matter the graphics.
depressingmusic.com presents: that's our saddam 8! the boys learn the true meaning of time travel in another great, poorly animated episode! anchorman thought this episode was so funny, their writers stole our joke!
It had everything no matter the graphics.
it had graphics... what're you talking about?!? oh wait... i forgot.. i never learned to read... c'mon.. pity me... give me money...
....what a load of bull.............yawwwwwwwwwn that was crap
you know it!
That was just stupid. How about a story that isn't stupid.
ok here's a story that's not stupid... so a guy and a girl walk into a bar and... wait... i can't remember how it goes... well, it ends up that the guy is really a donkey... or something...
i loved it so much
best one yet I love that little guy, I want him to glem my cube
how's that spelling working out for you steve? wait a second... you helped make this video, why are you voting on it??
I liked everything about it...
EXCEPT THE STOLEN PEABODY JOKE. However, the NON stolen Peabody jokes I laughed at. So overall, great job!
what's up with everyone and freakin theft??? steve brought to my attention the joke had been used and it was too late for us to correct it... such is life i guess...