cool :D
Like this alot! . yeah the second was better ;D
This animation introduces us to The Agent, who is the main character in a parody of a kid's cartoon where The Agent sees all and doles out punishment with his endless army of goons.
i gave myself music credit, but in reality i used a loop editor. so i'm only half to blame.
** now that i think of it, i probably should have submitted this under NG ALPHAS, as it is a teaser/trailer of sorts. it is a completed piece in of itself, so that is where the confusion on the matter stems. sorry lads!
cool :D
Like this alot! . yeah the second was better ;D
the animation was a little rusty but OK :D i like classic graphics and shit ,, i thought it was goodie goodie
yeah, the next one will be better. at any rate, thanks for getting that last idiot off the page. ;)
very nice
i am fond of this style a allot and i guess simple silly plost is not getting in the way. I wouls suggest increaing the frame rate other wise i was satisfied thnks.
I likes how you used Garage Band (I use it too), but I wasn't sure if that was a movie or a trailer.
garage band represent! ;) yeah, this is a trailer of sorts... it's actually the title sequence for the cartoon. it probably should have been submitted to NG ALPHAS. i added a bit to my description discussing this. thanks for the review!
Pretty nifty!
I rather liked it. Longer would have been groovy, though.