Alright but not exactly what i expected
It was an alright piece but that's about it. Alright is the best i can do.
Plz watch a hero intro (prt 1) first or u wont understand the story. enjoy the movie :)
Alright but not exactly what i expected
It was an alright piece but that's about it. Alright is the best i can do.
yeah this had more of a development in the storyline. but it was still short.
and also the battle with sonic...he punched him in the stomach twice????? and he was basically dead. wats that bout..
apart from that it was great. well done...
he better come back!! >:-0
theres a surprise :O and hell come bk with a BANGEDY BANG
Good, needs work.
A button on keyboard to progress the story would be a huge improvement. I have seen 3 sonic RPG in the past 2 weeks so you got competition. The next one needs to be vastly improved. Work on plot and design more and it will be good.
not bad
i think you really ought to make it slightly longer, other than that, pretty good job especially with the game sprites, it's not often a game sprite is put into a flash well
thnks :) k so the prob is that its too short? ill make prt 3 longer then