Notbad of a game here it's one of those brick attack style of games but with a mixture and such also the ball moves fast maybe too fast at times I still like the game for what it is keep it up
This is the first FULL SCREEN online Arkanoid remake ever made in Flash. This way you NEVER LOSE CONTROL of the bat/paddle again! Yipeeee!
(unless you are using IE and WinXP with SP2 :-( Microsoft has disabled true full screen mode, but I'm working on a fix for you)
I spent a looong time making this, please enjoy. And don't forget to vote!
A few tips for you guys:
1. Try not to hit the top of the screen without hitting any bricks on the way. That gives you a higher precision bonus.
2. A brick is more likely to release a power-up if it is destroyed by a bonb than if it is hit with the ball.
3. Clean up your mouse before playing ;-) This can get reeealy fast.
(If you're using IE on Win MX with Service pack 2, true full screen mode is not working :-( This means that you will not be able to get rid of the titlebar and the status bar :-(I'm working on a fix, so hang in there and do your best until then or you can use another browser than IE)
PS. If you find any bugs, please let me know which operating system, service packs, browser and browser version you are using. This helps me debugging. Thanks
Notbad of a game here it's one of those brick attack style of games but with a mixture and such also the ball moves fast maybe too fast at times I still like the game for what it is keep it up
OH MY GOSH !!!!!!
THAT'S VIRUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nothing happens
When i click on play nothing happens. WHY IS THAT!!!!
could be better
it would be better if it didnt have to launch ANOTHER popup
loved it
juz loved it