You just rock it was hilarioous
Funny little short I made a while back starring boxes!
I know what a lot of you are thinking. "Wasn't this already submitted?"
Yes it was, around a month or two ago. I followed most of you guys' advice to redo it. I also messed with some of the effects to make it seem a bit more cartoony.
You just rock it was hilarioous
Not Bad
Very good, the type of thing I would like to see.
A bit longer and perfect.
ill give it a 3
good but way too short
not bad
it was a good movie, but way too short.
Well... dissapointingly short, but funny none the less. Well worth a chuckle, nice animation not bad music. Not bad, Not bad.
Well, i'm glad you liked it. I'm thinking of tweaking these guys allitle and turning into my new characters. Plan to see them in the near future.
Thanks for the review!