Nice game here I really like this but also seems like it could have been more like more features maybe a bonus or extra element here overall it's a fun game here just needs more
A simple game designed for kinder age children.
Nice game here I really like this but also seems like it could have been more like more features maybe a bonus or extra element here overall it's a fun game here just needs more
uhhh no
its one of those pointless "whack the dude" sort of games, isn't it? 1. storyline. 2. uhhhh any weapons, or anything?
Very simple game,but still good,pretty entertaining,allthough you should have added a hughe assortment of weapons and loads of screams and awsome sound effects and tons of blood!!!lol,keep up the great work!
pretty good
yo dude blow me your suppose to click it more than once!
Small bug
Quick rundown of what I thought overall, well I would guess a kid might be more demanding of what they want from a game such as more to shoot, perhaps more levels or perhaps some movement of the targets to make it a little more than what it is currently.
However I'm sure you know kids can be demanding, so perhaps you are just not letting them get their way.
As for the bug, simply the target can be multiply clicked with the mouse to increase the score. Some action code to "Cap" the target to a one shot one kill method would lower the overall score a person could get. Perhaps even suggestibly a Highscore table could be added, but thats up to you since its your project at the end of the day.
Keep it up.