That made me giggle. I love this. This is great for a first time. Keep up the good work. Cheers loves < 33 -Kristin
It's my first, so please send me love mail and praise!
That made me giggle. I love this. This is great for a first time. Keep up the good work. Cheers loves < 33 -Kristin
good job
Wow tht was great! Really orignal art style too. I know i gave humor a 10 but im a dark person and i just found it funny.
that was awesome!!!
u rock so much that was sooo awesome!!! But i always thought jhonny to sound different, kind of more like a happy and undangerous person, less badass....
but u should try to do all the comics!! that would b soo awesom!!!
i ador you
i LOVE JTHM you need to make more
I found the audio a little sketchy, but thats about it... every thing else was good!