This was a pretty nice DDR game, nothing that unique, but I don't see anything wrong with it, and it was fairly challenging and entertaining.
DDR 0wnz j00! This version features "Kryptonite" from 3 Doors Down! Enjoy!
This was a pretty nice DDR game, nothing that unique, but I don't see anything wrong with it, and it was fairly challenging and entertaining.
8.5/10 B it laggi
I found that the notes didnt match the beat too well and that with the inconsistent note patterns, it made it mildly hard to play. Prolly just me though. I'm use to playing with my feet, not my fingers. lol
Highest combo 213
Your Final Score
Thanks for that!! very cool song and good game!
...but the voices are to loud... 9/10 and a 5 :D
Probably the best DDR game on newgrounds
I've searched other DDR games here and none that I've found are as good as this one in my opinion. Awesome song, good controls, and I actually like the voiceover but there are times when the comments overlap each other and it doesn't seem right. As a request, could you make a DDR game with a set list? You know, difficulties and all that. That would be really awesome!
Also, a replay button would be nice.
And as for the score below me, I beat it. Now try 238740 with an 86 combo.